This guide will review booking Appointments using our API.

The API to use to book an Appointment is POST /{instance}/book/. Booking endpoint

This API endpoint is combination of the following other endpoints:

POST /{instance}/customers, POST /{instance}/jobs and POST /{instance}/appointments

This aggregate allows:

  1. Creating a new Customer.
  2. Creating new Job.
  3. Creating the first Appointment.
  4. Scheduling the first Appointment. (optional)
  5. Completing Job/Customer questions (optional).

The payload combines Customer Details a Property Address, Job Settings, Booking Question Answers and Schedule information.

Customer Details

We will begin with Customer Details fields of the payload.

  "customerAgentId": 0,
  "title": "string",
  "firstname": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "areaCode": "string",
  "homePhone": "string",
  "mobilePhone": "string",
  "consentToSMS": "EC",
  "customerRef": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "companyName": "string",
  "customerType": "B",
  "gstRegistered": true,
  "taxId": "string",

Property Description
customerAgentId An Agent from the register
title Customers Title (Optional), we have fixed values (Dr,Miss,Mr,Mrs,Ms,Mx)
firstname Customers first name
surname Customers last name
areaCode Australia area code like 02,03,07 optional if not supplying a homePhone
homePhone Landline number can be business numbers like 1300 or 1800, optional field unless backend is configured it as required
mobilePhone Customers mobile without country prefix, optional field unless backend is configured it as required
consentToSMS SMS Consent Field has values (IC)Inferred Consent, (EC) Expressed Consent, (NC) No Consent. ASAP will not allow SMS messages for customers with NC status
customerRef This optional Id field that used to reference the customer on another platform
email Customers email address
customerType (R) Residential, (B) Business
companyName Entity name for commercial customer and required if customer is Business
gstRegistered Is the business GST Registered, we apply GST on Certificate Discounts
taxId ABN or ACN a required field if their GST Registered

For a Residential Customer Details a payload may look like:

  "customerAgentId": 1, 
  "firstname": "Bob",
  "surname": "Smith",
  "mobilePhone": "0404555555",
  "consentToSMS": "IC",
  "customerRef": "MYSalesForceID",
  "email": "",
  "customerType": "R"

For a Business Customer Details a payload may look like:

  "customerAgentId": 1, 
  "firstname": "Company",
  "surname": "Director",
  "homePhone": "1300336729",
  "mobilePhone": "04045555555",
  "consentToSMS": "EC",
  "customerRef": "MYSalesForceID",
  "email": "",
  "companyName": "Dataforce Services",
  "customerType": "B",
  "gstRegistered": true,
  "taxId": "26141841849", // 11 Characters e.g ABN/ACN 

The taxId has maximum of 11 characters we expect either an ABN (Austrian Business Number) or ACN (Australia Company Number).

Mandatory Fields and Program Preferences

ASAP has configuration options under Program Preferences > Customer tab:

  1. Make customer title field mandatory.
  2. Make customer firstname mandatory.
  3. Require customer email address.
  4. Allow null External Customer Ref.
  5. Allow only numbers in External Customer Ref.

Please keep these in mind when building the customer payload.

Agent and Fieldworker Access

With regards to customerAgentId or later agentId or fieldworkerId, access is decided by the Role granted to API key.

For Example after creating API key if its assigned a role e.g Global Administrator. API KEY Role

and if the Role has ‘Access All Agents’ checked,

API KEY Role Level

this API Key can choose any Agent or Fieldworker from the Register.

If the Role is missing ‘Access All’ the Key is restricted to Agents where access has been specially granted in the ‘User profile’. API KEY Agent Access

Address Details

To create a booking a customer must have a property address.

We recommend you use an address verification service to fix partial and vanity addresses before submitting to ASAP.

An Address has the following fields in its payload:

  "buildingName": "",
  "levelNo": "",
  "lotNo": "",
  "unitNo": "404",
  "unitType": "UNIT",
  "streetNo": "33",
  "streetName": "Lexington",
  "streetType": "DRIVE",
  "streetTypeSuffix": "",
  "suburb": "Bella Vista",
  "postCode": 2153,
  "state": "NSW",
  "allowDuplicateAddress": true

The required fields in an Address are, streetName, suburb, postCode, state a streetNo or lotNo.

The following fields have fixed values use data-dictionary endpoints below:

Property Dictionary Endpoint
unitType GET ​/{instance}/address/unit-types
streetType GET /{instance}/address/street-types
suburb GET ​/{instance}​/address​/suburbs
postCode GET ​/{instance}​/address​/suburbs

For example if you submit an address with incorrect streetType the API will return a validation error like below:

Street Type Validation error

ASAP maintains a database of valid suburb and postcode combinations you MUST use one of these combinations to create a booking.

API will return validation errors if an invalid combination is used:

Suburb Postcode Validation error

The property allowDuplicateAddress can prevent duplicate customers being created if they have the same property address the API will return a validation error like below:

Duplicate Address

Job Settings

This section of the booking request relates to Job properties.

  "creationDate": "2024-11-25T02:22:58.127Z",
  "agentId": 0,
  "clientId": 0,
  "sourceId": 0,
  "sourceAssociateId": 0,
  "trackingCode": "string",
  "salesPipelineStageId": 0,

The property creationDate if not provided will default to current date and may be used to ‘back date’ Job creation.

The following endpoints can be used to populate Job properties:

Property Dictionary Endpoint
agentId GET ​/{instance}/agents
clientId GET /{instance}/clients
sourceId GET /{instance}/job-sources
sourceAssociateId GET ​/{instance}​/job-source-associates
salesPipelineStageId GET ​/{instance}/sales-pipelines

The property agentId is MANDATORY use the endpoint above for a list of agentsId and used to manage Job access.

The property clientId is MANDATORY a client is used to represent an aggregation partner who buy the certificates. Use the endpoint above for a list of clients.

Both sourceId and sourceAssociateId are optional and are used to track the source of the lead, use the two endpoints above for a full list.

The salesPipelineStageId relates to ASAP pre job sales module and is optional, use the endpoint above for a list of agentsId.

The trackingCode allows for an adhoc identifier less than 100 characters, the code can be used in search API requests.

A minimum payload may look like the below:

"agentId": 1,
"clientId": 1,
"trackingCode": "AUniqueJobTrack"

Schedule/Appointment Details.

The following section is for details of the Appointment.

  "workTypeId": 0,
  "jobInstruction": "string",
  "hazardCodeId": 0

The following endpoints can be used:

Property Dictionary Endpoint
workTypeId GET /{instance}/work-types
hazardCodeId GET /{instance}/hazard-codes

The workTypeId selected during creation must not be a child of another for example Commercial Lighting activity you could book either a ‘CLU Assessment’ or ‘CLU Install (All-in-one)’ but you can not create a ‘CLU Install’ as that work type is child of the Assessment.

The property hazardCodeId is optional and is used to categorize safety hazards (they must be defined in backend).

The jobInstruction property is short message (less than 2000 characters) for the fieldworker and is shown both in Runabout and Backends Job Correspondences.

If this payload was submitted the API would create a NEW Customer/Job/Appointment but leave the Appointment in Waiting status ready to be scheduled by an Operator.

If its necessary to choose a date/time include the following properties, must include a Fieldworker:

"fieldworkerId": 100,
"activityDate": "2024-11-25T03:40:12.203Z",
"commencementDate": "2024-11-25T03:40:12.203Z",
"scheduledDate": "2024-11-25T03:40:12.203Z",
"duration": 60

To see list of fieldworkers the endpoint *GET** /{instance}/fieldworkers will list those in the Register the API key has access too.

The property activityDate and commencementDate are optional and will be assigned with current date if not supplied.

The duration property is length of the Appointment in Minutes e.g 30,60,90,120.

The scheduledDate date and time when a fieldworker attends the site.

Common Errors during scheduling

The selected fieldworker must have access to suburb/postcode combination used in the customers property address. The API may return validation error like below if their are access issues or a wrong id:

Fieldworker Errors

If the Worktype does not exist or has been disabled the API will return a validation error.

Fieldworker Errors

Job/Customer Question answers.

Job and Customer questions can be included in this Booking payload.

"blockAnswers": [
      "questionBlockTypeId": 0,
      "blocks": [
          "answers": [
              "questionId": 0
  "answers": [
      "questionId": 0


We covered using a similar payload in Save Appointment Question using the API the Booking payload is restricted to Job and Customer questions only and If Appointment Questions are needed use a 2nd API request to endpoints in the linked article.

Successful Creation

If we try a payload (without any Job Questions).

  "customerAgentId": 1, 
  "firstname": "Bob",
  "surname": "Smith",
  "mobilePhone": "0404555555",
  "consentToSMS": "IC",
  "customerRef": "MYSalesForceID",
  "email": "",
  "customerType": "R",
  "buildingName": "",
  "levelNo": "",
  "lotNo": "",
  "unitNo": "404",
  "unitType": "UNIT",
  "streetNo": "33",
  "streetName": "Lexington",
  "streetType": "DRIVE",
  "streetTypeSuffix": "",
  "suburb": "Bella Vista",
  "postCode": 2153,
  "state": "NSW",
  "allowDuplicateAddress": true,
  "agentId": 1,
  "clientId": 1,
  "trackingCode": "AUniqueJobTrack",
  "workTypeId": 4,
  "jobInstruction":"Knock on Door three times",
  "fieldworkerId": 718,
  "scheduledDate": "2024-11-25T03:40:12.203Z",
  "duration": 60


The Job/Appointment and Customer ids will be returned if the booking is successful.

New Job