Detailed below are changes made to support the August 2024 updates to ESS/PDRS schemes.

More Information please see the Quick Change Reference Guide.

Changes to PDRS

Heat pump water heater activity (WH1)

Heat pump water heaters with a volumetric capacity less than or equal to 425L are no longer eligible.

For jobs with a Activity Date after the 1st August if the HWS products tank size is less than 425L we will apply a Zero down operation in the Certificate Calculator.

Note: Appointments without PRC’s will be excluded from a PDRS Submission.

For HEAB F16 and F17 we test against the register field Total system tank volume (L), for HEER D17 and D19 we are using the Tank Size (L) field.

Capacity factor introduced to scale energy savings to the size of the existing water heater system.

We’ve added to the Calculation ‘Peak Demand Savings Capacity’ a new calculation ‘PRC-WH1: Capacity Factor’ shown above.

Replacement of refrigerated cabinets activity (RF2)

Refrigerated cabinets with four or more display sides are not eligible

The GEMS RDC register does not record number of display sides we are unable to remove ineligible products for you.

You may disable the products from ASAP’s Product Register to stop them showing in new Appointments.

Lifetimes reduced to 8 years from 12 years for Class 7, 8 and 11 refrigerated cabinets with more than 3.3m2 of display area

We have modified our Certificate Calculator to ignore the display area for appointments which have an Activity date after 1st August.

We have removed the Product Attribute F1: Lifetime Multiplier our Calculator now determines the lifetime based on the Class attribute.

Pool pump activity (SYS2)

Changes to peak demand savings capacity calculations, including amended equations, increased adjustment factors, and decreased lifetime.

We have updated our Certificate Calculator with new incentives for Appointments which have an Activity date after the 1st August.

Changes to Submission File Formats

Submission files require additional information for HWS, Air Con and RDC activities.

Not all are required in each activity the Response to Consultation Paper has more information.

Click here To download the New Specifications which were released 26th July 2024.

To support the new formats we will be disabling all existing PDRS and ESC submission datafiles on the 1st August and replacing them with the following:

  1. Implementation Datasheet HEER Lighting
  2. Implementation Datasheet CLU Lighting
  3. Implementation Datasheet HEER HWS/AirCon/Other
  4. Implementation Datasheet HEAB HWS/AirCon/RDC
  5. Implementation Datasheet PDRS

To support the new columns we have made following changes

To fill the new Column for Refrigerant a new product attribute for A/C and RDC products called Refrigerant Type (GWP) has been created.

This value is available on GEMS Air Conditioner register allowing us to back-fill your products for you.

Unfortunately the value is missing from RDC GEMS register and before your next submission please update your RDC products by:

  1. Review product spec sheets and find the Refrigerant Type (GWP).
  2. Open the product register search by model number
  3. Open F1.1 or F1.2 version of the product and navigate to Product Attributes.
  4. Look for attribute titled Refrigerant Type (GWP) and select the value from the drop down.
  5. Don’t forget to do both the F1.1 and F1.2 products.

For the new column RDC Product class removed we added a new question to RDC Question Block to collect the CLASS of the removed RDC.

For the new column RDC Product class installed we are using existing product attribute F1: RDC Class.

The new columns Product Model Number and Product Brand we are using the ASAP product register.

The new column New or Replacement which is only for Air Con activities we are using the answer from question Is this air conditioner a new installation, or replacing an existing air conditioner?.

For the new column No. units installed we include the quantity of products in the question block.

Please note about new Submission Datafiles:

The prior submission files provide 1 row per activity if an Appointment has both an F1.1 and F1.2 upgrade two rows are created one for each activity (Grouped by Activity).

To provide product information e.g Brand and Model or Question answers like ‘RDC class removed’ we must return one row per Implementation with an implementation being a single Question Block.

If a HEER Air Conditioner upgrade has 2 products both for D16 and so two blocks under Appointment Questions their will be two rows in the new submission datafile (Group By Question Block/Implementation).

The HEER Lighting and CLU Lighting datafiles do not require product information and have been left as ‘Grouped by Activity’ (with new columns return empty values).