Release notes for the 2024.1 updates to Dataforce ASAP

The following release notes are for the 2024.1 release of Dataforce ASAP. This release is scheduled for release on the 8th May 2024. This release is a maintenance release, with some minor enhancements to address the new VEU customer consent requirements.

A number of enhancements and additions have been made to help you manage the tracking of customer consent and ensure you are complying with the new requirements by the VEU which started from 1st May 2024.

Two new built-in forms have been added for capturing a signed customer consent declaration. (Residential and Non-Residential versions).

These templates will be automatically rolled out to all customers prior to 8th of May 2024. They will be included on all assessment work types, and installation work types that do not have a parent assessment appointment work type.

New Question Configuration

New questions will be added to capture the required details to completed the consent form. These are intended to be completed by door knockers or installers on site with the customer. We expect that these questions will be retired on 30th July 2024 when the door knocking bans come into place by the VEU. These questions are intended as an interim measure to help you capture customer consent while door knocking is still allowed under the VEU scheme.

New Runabout Configuration

The following tabs will be added to existing Runabout configurations for work types that are likely to be used for door knocking or customer consent collection:

Additional fields have been added to the ‘Customer Details’ screen to record the following:

  • the date the customer consent was initiated
  • the date that the customer consent expires
  • the prescribed activities that the customer has consented to being contacted about
  • the preferred method of contact (Phone/Email/SMS)

These new fields are intended to help you track the customer consent period and help you comply with the VEU requirements.

VEU form updates

The VEU has released new templates for all assignment forms which include additional information such as customer email addresses and changes to the installer declaration and customer declaration text.

These new forms have already been automatically rolled out to all customers and are active from 1st of May 2024.

Dataforce has also updated the following two built-in templates which were revised by the VEU

  • VEU Consumer Fact Sheet
  • VEU Statement of Rights

Expiring Attributes Notifications (Fieldworkers and Agents)

A new option has been added to both the fieldworker profile and agent profile screens to allow you to enable notifications for when fieldworker and agent attributes are due to expire.

If enabled,

  • Agents will receive an email detailing all attributes that are due to expire or have expired for fieldworkers relating to the agent.
  • Fieldworkers will receive an email detailing all attributes that are due to expire or have expired for themselves.
  • The email notifications will be send weekly, and will include all attributes expiring within the next 30 days.

Other changes

Various bug fixes

Various security fixes