A new VEU Specification version 17 has been released with a start date of 1st August 2024.

More Information please see the VEU Specification version 17.

Changes include:

  • Business heating/cooling incentives and product availability (Part 6).
  • Expands eligible water heating upgrades (Part 1 and Part 3)
  • Implements changes to the cold rooms activity (Part 43).

Changes to business heating/cooling incentives and product availability (Part 6)

The changes have increased the Heating Savings factors for businesses with increased VEECS for these installations.

We have rolled out these changes for Appointments with an Activity Date on or after the 1st August 2024.

To check the modifier applied:

  1. Open Job Calculations.
  2. Change to Calculation to 6: Heating Savings.
  3. Click the product in the grid to see detailed view.
  4. From the detailed view look for a Modifier Type called 6: Heating Building Load (BTLheat).

Expands eligible water heating upgrades (Part 1 and Part 3)

Upgrades of Solar Boosted Water Heaters are now eligible for VEECs.

The below has been extracted from Version 17 of the specification:

At time of writing the administrator has not release guidance for evidence requirements to prove the existing Solar Water Heater is not operational and is outside warranty or 5+ years after installation.

We have added new options to question What type of Hot Water System are you installing?.

Heat pump replacing solar boosted electric resistance (activity 1D)

Decommissioning solar boosted Gas and Installing Heat Pump (activity 3C) can be selected for these upgrades.

We have also added a new photo question to capture any evidence you feel is necessary.

Implements changes to the cold rooms activity (Part 43)

A new Size Factor has been introduced to reduce VEECs for smaller installations and incentivise larger Cold Rooms.

You may no longer claim VEECs where the Internal Floor Area is less than 4m² and for rooms between 4m² and 9m² the incentive is halved.

At time of writing no guidance has been released by the administrator for photo evidence.

We have deployed the calculation change though an additional question Whats the estimated Internal Floor Area? shown below the fieldworker is asked to qualify the size of the Cold Room.

We have added a new photo question Take photo showing a measure of Internal Floor Area for any evidence you feel is needed.

The new Factor will be applied for Appointments with an Activity Date on or after the 1st August 2024.

To check the value of the factor:

  1. Open Job Calculations
  2. Click the product in grid below to see detailed view.
  3. Look for a Modifier Type 43: Size Factor.