
In Dataforce ASAP, calculation modifiers represent a single multiplication/division (multiplier) and a single addition/subtraction (modifier) within a calculation type.

A modifier’s multiplier and modifier values can be sourced through the following:

  • Fixed Value
  • Question Answer
  • Product Quantity
  • Product Attribute
  • Calculation Result

To be included in an appointment’s calculation, a modifier must be linked to an appointment by:

  • Selecting the mandatory requirement on the modifier’s group (will force all modifiers within the group to be applied to the calculation regardless of whether it is linked)
  • Attaching the modifier to a question answer

Adding a Modifier

  1. Navigate to the Calculation Modifier Group Management screen through Calculations Calculation Modifiers
  2. Fill the configuration options
  3. Select Add Calculation Modifier

Updating a Modifier

  1. Navigate to the Calculation Modifier Group Management screen through Calculations Calculation Modifier Groups
  2. Select the Calculation Modifier Group
  3. Update the configuration options
  4. Select Update Calculation Modifier Group

Configuration Options

Configuration Description
Calculation Modifier ID A system-generated identifier
Name A description of the modifier
Modifier Group The Modifier Group this modifier will be included in
Calculation Zone The calculation zone in which this modifier will apply
Disabled A method of soft deletion; when selected, this modifier will not be applied to any calculations
Modifier Type Defines whether the modifier will be applied to primary or secondary calculations. (Select base for both)
Valid From / To A date range in which the modifier will apply to relevant calculations
Customer Type Restricts the modifier to only apply for appointments whose customer type is selected. (Blank for both)
Modifier Value Type Defines the source of the modifier (addition or subtraction) value
Modifier Value The modifier value (Will update based on the value type) (Enter negative value for subtraction)
Multiplier Value Type Defines the source of the multiplier (or divisor) value
Multiplier Option The multiplier value (Will update based on the value type)
Multiplier Value Defines the type of multiplication/division

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