Selecting a Form

  1. Navigate to (Configuration icon) Forms Form Designer

  2. Select a form type from the drop down menu

Creating a Field

There are a number of ways to add data to a form:

  • Dynamic Mapping - Mapping is a way of importing information from a job into a form. i.e. Instead of manually entering information, Dataforce ASAP will retrieve the information from the job and insert it as the form is created. For example, the customer’s name or a datafile’s signature can be mapped onto a form through specific fields.

  • Fixed Value Mapping - This method is a way of writing fixed data onto a form, meaning the information will remain the same regardless of the job. Fixed values can be useful for things like forcing checkboxes to be selected.

    Tool Icon Description
    The text tool creates a field that displays plain text. This plain text can be dynamic or fixed.
    The image tool creates a frame for an image. The image must be dynamic
    The signature tool creates a frame for a signature. The signature must be dynamic
    (Shapes can be generated dynamically or manually set i.e. fixed)

    The shape tool can insert the following shapes into the form as required:
    • Ellipse
    • Tick
    • Cross
    • Yes (Word)
    • No (Word)
    • Y (Letter)
    • No (Letter)

  • Generate a field using any of the tools above by clicking and dragging.

Moving, Resizing & Copying Fields

Tool Icon Description
The select tool should be used when moving or resizing fields.
Multiple fields can be selected with this tool by clicking and dragging over one corner of each field required.
The position tool displays the position of the cursor when clicked in a pop-up window.

To resize a field, select it and:

  1. Hover the mouse over an edge and drag, or
  2. Hold SHIFT + use the arrow keys (SHIFT + UP = Shorter, SHIFT + DOWN = Taller, SHIFT + RIGHT = Wider, SHIFT + LEFT = Thinner), or
  3. Right click on the field, hover over ‘SET HEIGHT’ or ‘SET WIDTH’ and select an option
  4. Manually enter dimensions in the position and size panel, or
  5. Resize multiple fields by dragging over a corner of each required field with the select tool and repeat option 2 or 3

To move a field, select it and:

  1. Drag with the mouse, or
  2. Use the arrow keys, or
  3. Manually enter position in the position and size panel, or
  4. Move it to another page by right clicking, hovering over ‘Move to’ and selecting the necessary page, or
  5. Stack multiple fields relative to one another by dragging over a corner of each required field with the select tool, right clicking and selecting ‘Stack vertically’ or ‘Stack horizontally’
  6. Move multiple fields by dragging over a corner of each required field with the select tool and repeat options 1, 2 or 4

To copy a field, select it and:

  1. Press CTRL + V, or
  2. Copy it to another page by right clicking, hovering over ‘Copy to’ and selecting the necessary page, or
  3. Select multiple fields by dragging over a corner of each required field with the select tool and repeating options 1 or 2

To copy properties from one field to another:

  1. Enter the property required in highest field in the block of fields
  2. Highlight all fields the block
  3. Right click and select ‘Copy Properties’

Deleting a field

  • To delete a field, select it and:
    1. Press the DELETE key
    2. Right click and select ‘Delete’

Sequencing Fields

  • It is common to have a number of fields on top of one another that require similar data. The form designer has a number of handy features to create these field blocks, either:

    1. Create a field with the correct sub data in the highest available space
    2. Select the field, right click and hover over ‘Duplicate into’
    3. Either click or hover over the amount of rows necessary (clicking will space the fields 0 px apart)
    4. Either click or hover over the spacing necessary (clicking will sequence by sub-data)
    5. Click on the necessary sequencing

  • OR

    1. Create fields to cover all necessary spaces
    2. Select all fields
    3. Right click and hover over ‘Resequence column by’
    4. Hover over ‘Subdata’ or ‘Spec’
    5. Select ‘Groups of’ 1 or 2

Formatting a Text Field

  • To format text in a field, select the field and modify the following options:

Mapping Data

Text Fields

  • To enter data into a text field, select it and modify the following options:

    Property Description
    Data Provider Where the information will come from
    Typically: customer, appointment, Field Worker, question answer, etc.
    Sub Data Information from the provider
    Typically: date, name, question, product, etc.
    Spec Specific information from the sub-data
    Typically: date format, postcode, surname, street name, etc.
    Fixed Value A fixed value
    If not empty, this field will only display this value
    If Value An operator for comparing the field value
    If field value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then replace with this
    Compare What to compare the field value with
    If field value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then replace with this
    Replace With What will replace the field value if the comparison is true
    If field value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then replace with this


  • To enter data into an image frame, select it and modify the following options:

    Property Description
    Data Field Type of image to be inserted
    Typically: Agent logo, Field Worker logo etc.
    Sub Field Category of image type
    Specification Specific information from the image category


  • To enter data into a signature frame, select it and modify the following options:

    Property Description
    Data Field Type of image to be inserted
    Typically: signatures
    Sub Field Category of signature
    Typically: Field Worker, customer etc.
    Specification Specific information from the signature category


  • To enter data into a shape, select it and modify the following options:

    Property Description  
    Type The type of shape to be displayed
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this
    Data Field Where the comparison value will come from
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this
    Sub Field The comparison value
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this
    Specification The comparison value specified further (i.e. surname, postcode, etc.)
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this
    Default The default value
    A fixed value to replace the data field
    Condition An operator for comparing the comparison value
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this
    Value The value to be compared against
    If value (equals/does not equal/is less than/etc.) this, then display this

Previewing a Form

  1. Within the form designer, click on the Preview button

  1. A new window with the form will be opened, and in the mapped fields, there will be filler text so the form can be appropriately previewed