
Form Covers allow you to easily add your own custom cover pages to our other form templates for a more personalized touch. Whether it’s a single page or multiple pages, you can include them at the beginning of any form, and they will be combined with the generated content.

Cover pages can be created and mapped using the form designer in the same way that traditional forms are created; however they are managed from a new screen which can be accessed via Forms Form cover pages

Creating a Form Cover

To create a form cover

  1. Firstly upload the pdf of choice to the PDF Template File field.
  2. Name the Form Cover template
  3. Give the template a description
  4. Select the data providers for the template

The Data Providers field refers to the source of the data which is mapped to form fields on the template.

Refer to the table below for information about the respective fields

Fields Types and their description

Field Description
Form ID The unique identifier for the current form
Name A short name for the form
Description A short description for the form
Disabled Check to disable this form
PDF template file This is the PDF template for the cover page to be generated on.
The file should be in PDF format and contain only the bare template of the document to be created. All fields that need to be populated with data from the system must be blank.
Ensure that the PDF document is not encrypted or password protected.
Force cover page for uploaded forms If checked, this cover page will be added to manually uploaded files that are replacing system generated forms that this cover page applies to
Data providers Data providers for mapping data fields to form fields onto the form template