What is Quote Status?

The three statuses an appointment quote has are:

  1. Accepted - When the customer has agreed to the quote.
  2. Pending - When waiting on the customer to agree to the quote.
  3. Rejected - When the customer has refused the quote.

Status are used to prevent a follow up or installation appointment from being booked when customers are not interested. An admin can configure the work type of the follow up appointment to potentially use the quotation status as the creation criteria.
Please refer to the requirements section for Work Type to learn more about this configuration.

Change Quote Status

Navigate to the Appointment Actions tab Change Quotation Status New Status/ Leave Unchanged

  1. Enter the date the quote was accepted, if different from displayed.
  2. Enter a comment about why this change was done.
  3. Select the Confirm button on the bottom right of the screen.

Check the Appointments Quotation Status

The status can be found in the Appointment Summary Tab.

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