Mass Schedule

The mass scheduler provides a method for scheduling or adding multiple appointments to the waiting list using a drag and drop interface.

To schedule / add appointments to the waiting list using the Mass Rescheduler:

  1. Select tasks Mass Rescheduler

  2. Build a list of required appointments using the filters in the top left box; these appointments can either be currently scheduled (rescheduling) or on the waiting list.
  3. To add an appointment to the waiting list, drag the appointment from the assigned appointments list into the waiting list box (top right).
  4. To schedule / re-schedule an appointment, select the required Field Worker from the rescheduling node (bottom). Drag the appointment from the assigned or waiting appointment list onto the Field Workers schedule over the required time-slot.
  5. Enter a comment in the reschedule comment section (this comment will apply to any altered appointments)
  6. Select Reschedule Appointments.

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