
  • Availabilities are a way of determining a Field Worker’s suitability for an appointment.
  • When scheduling an appointment, either manually or with the smart scheduler, all datafile availabilities are checked before allocation to ensure they are able to complete the appointment in the given time and place.
  • Availabilities are broken into two distinct categories:
    • Day Availability
    • Suburb Availability

Day Availability

  • Day availability manages the times a Field Worker is available.
  • An appointment scheduled time is compared with a Field Worker’s day availability before it is assigned.
  • Both quantity and frequency of availability blocks are determined by the Field Worker’s Work Assignment.
  • One-off changes to availability (e.g. Holidays) can be added through inclusions and exclusions.

  • To view a Field Worker’s availability during a given period:
    1. Select a Field Worker.
    2. Select the Availability tab.
    3. Enter a from and to date.
    4. Select Show Availability.

Adding or Updating Days

  1. Select a Field Worker.
  2. Select the Work Days tab.
  3. Highlight any time slots where the Field Worker is available.

Inclusions and Exclusions

  • Inclusions and Exclusions are a way of either adding to or removing from the Field Worker’s current availability.

  • To add a one-time inclusion or exclusion to a Field Worker’s availability:
    1. Select a Field Worker.
    2. Select the Add Work Days tab.
    3. Enter a start date and end date.
    4. If the modification is not for a full day, select Limited Hours in Day from the Inclusion / Exclusion Type drop down.
    5. Enter a comment.
    6. Select Blockout Work Availability or Add Extra Work Availability.

  • To update an inclusion or exclusion:
    1. Select its row from the list.
    2. Change any information necessary at the bottom of the screen.
    3. Select Update Inclusion or Update Exclusion.

  • To remove an inclusion or exclusion:
    1. Select its row from the list.
    2. Select Delete Inclusion or Delete Exclusion.

Mass Exclusions

  • Mass exclusions are exclusions that can apply to more than one Field Worker at a time.

  • To add a mass exclusion:
    1. Open the Field Worker Management screen by clicking Admin Field Workers Field Worker Register.

    2. Select the Edit Mass Exclusions button.

    3. Enter the details below.

    4. Select the Add Mass Exclusion button.

  • To remove a mass exclusion:
    1. Open the Field Worker Management screen by clicking Admin Field Workers Field Worker Register.

    2. Select the Edit Mass Exclusions button.

    3. Select a mass exclusion
    4. Select the Delete Mass Exclusion button.

Suburb Availability

  • Suburb availability manages the suburbs a Field Worker is able to complete appointments in.
  • Both the smart and manual schedulers will compare an appointment’s suburb with the Field Worker’s availability before assigning.

Adding or Updating Suburbs

  • To add available suburbs to a Field Worker:
    1. Select a Field Worker.
    2. Select the Suburbs tab.
    3. Click a row to enable or disable an individual suburb.
    4. To mass select suburbs, use the following methods:
      • To enable/disable a number of consecutive suburbs:
        1. Select the first suburb.
        2. Hold SHIFT and select the last.
      • To mass enable/disable suburbs based on criteria (e.g. LGA, State):
        1. Filter the suburbs using the drop down menu on each column heading.
        2. Once filtered, click the Select / Deselect All Visible Suburbs button.
        3. To return to the original suburb view, click the Clear All Filters button.
    5. Select Save Suburbs.

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