Starting a New Submission.

To begin a submission workflow:

  1. Navigate to the Datafile Exports Page

Navigate to the screen, Tasks Datafile and Submissions Datafile Exports.

  1. Select a Datafile and Status

  1. Pick a datafile to view, there are two groups under the drop down titled ‘non-certificate’ and ‘certificate’. To begin the submissions, choose a file under the ‘certificate’ group.

  2. Choose from the ‘Select Status’ dropdown the option Ready for Submission.

  3. Select a Date Range and Audit Option

  1. Enter an opening date and a closing date, this searches for appointments with their submission eligibility date between the values in the filters.

What date should pick as the starting date? Unless you have an invoice period in mind, you should set a date back a few months to ensure that you have picked up any older appointments that are now ready.

Audit Status Field Before Dataforce ASAP process a submission batch, it runs an audit requirements check and if it fails, the submission batch will not export. Using this option will prevent an audit requirements check, as only appointments that are audited (pass/waived/not required) are included.

  1. Select Optional Filters

These can be used if you’re looking to create a submission batch for an individual Field Worker, individual agent or an individual activity.

  1. View, Download and Export Buttons

View the datafile by clicking the View Datafile button, if you need to get the data in an excel format, please click the download button.
After you review the contents it’s time to create a new submission batch by clicking the button Mark for Submission.

  1. Export Result

If the export was successful, you will see the above appear on your screen.

The next screen at Tasks > Datafile and Submissions > Recent Submissions will allow you to download a copy of the datafile, revert this batch and download the response file.

Screen Options Expanded.

Status Options

Status Description
Scheduled Between Look for completed/audited/submitted/invoiced appointments using their scheduled date.
Completed Between Look for completed/audited/submitted/invoiced appointments using their completed date.
Ready for Submission Look for completed/audited and not submitted appointments based on submission eligibility date.
Ready for Re-Submission Look for completed/audited appointments that have a failed submission.
Submitted - Not Yet Accepted Look for submitted appointments that have not finished their submissions (still have a submission eligibility date).
Submitted in Batch Look for submitted appointments in a single batch from batch number, in the Submission Batch filter field.
Ready For Invoice Look for completed/audited/submitted appointments without a submission eligibility date and using the appointment’s invoice eligibility date. Appointments without an invoice eligibility date are excluded.
Ready For Client Look for Client invoice eligible appointments.
Invoiced Looks for invoiced appointments using the invoice eligibility date.

Button Description

Button Description
View Datafile Open the result into the area below the buttons, this preview can be sorted and filtered.
Download Datafile This will download the file as configured, either an excel file or a csv.
Download Forms This will download any attached forms of the current datafile.
Mark for Submission This will begin the submission export, change the appointment to be submitted and lock them into this invoice period.
Optional Filter Description
Product Install appointments with a particular product.
Client Appointments assigned to a client.
Activity Products that belong to an activity.
Field Worker Filter by the appointment’s Field Worker.
Agent Filter by the appointment’s Field Worker agent.

Where to Next?