Decommissioning & recycling is used to manage and track the recycling and decommissioning of products that have been removed from a premise during a job.


A recycling batch represents a group of decommissioning batches that have been grouped together into a batch for recycling.

Use recycling batches to manage the reconciliation of your decommissioned products with your recycling certificates.

Creating a Recycling Batch

  1. Open the ‘Manage Decommissioning Batches’ screen

  2. Find the batch(s) you wish to add to the recycling batch by entering a ‘From date’ and ‘To date’ in the search filters and clicking ‘Search’
  3. Select all required batches by clicking the plus button next to each batch
  4. Enter a comment (optional)
  5. Change ‘Action’ to ‘Create Recycling Batch’
  6. Click the ‘Submit’ button

Editing Recycling Batches

You may wish to edit a recycling batch in order to add additional information such as the details from the recycling certificate

  1. Open the ‘Recycling Batches’ screen

  2. Select the recycling batch record you wish to edit
  3. Update or input any required details such as recycling receipt number, recycled date etc (optional)
  4. Upload receipt or invoice files (optional)
  5. Click the ‘Update Recycling Batch’ button

Deleting Recycling Batches

  1. Open the ‘Recycling Batches’ screen

  2. Select the recycling batch record you wish to delete
  3. Click the ‘Delete’ button

Viewing Recycling details for a job

Recycling receipt numbers

Recycling receipt numbers that are associated with a job are visible from the ‘Job summary’ screen

Recycling Summary

Recycling information for a specific appointment can be viewed through the ‘Decommissioning’ tab within an appointment

Refer to ‘Decommissioning’

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