How to adjust Agent-specific email settings


  • The Agent Email Settings screens allows the agent to customise the default properties of an Email Type.

  • This allows them to have Agent-specific settings that will apply to any emails sent for their own appointments.

How to change agent email settings

  1. Open the selected Agent’s email settings by clicking Email Settings

  1. To override the setting for an Email Type, simply uncheck the checkbox next to the setting you wish to change and enter or select a new value.

To revert a setting back to its default value, just tick the checkbox under Use default value.

  1. Any settings that are overridden here will only apply to appointments where the Job Agent matches the selected agent.

Options the agent can change include:

  1. The email subject: Modify the email subject.

  2. Email sender address: The address of the sender (default,

  3. Email sender name.

  4. CC Field Worker: By checking CC Field Worker, a copy of the email is sent to a Field Worker.

  5. Attach product Brochures.

  6. CC Address.

  7. Recipient Email (Override).

  8. Send On e.g Appointment completed.

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